Things All Girls Do But Will Never Admit

Being a girl isn't easy; between boys, periods, friendships, and careers, there's a lot we have to deal with on a daily basis. If you're wondering if the women in your life are as sweet as they claim to be, check out this list of things girls do but won't admit.

  1. Having a Pinterest wedding board full of dresses, color schemes, and venues despite the fact that you're not even close to getting engaged. Isn't it true that a girl has to dream?

  2. Only wash your makeup brushes when your face begins to look soiled. Is this what I'm supposed to do every week?!

  3. Squeezing every available space, even if it's small. Also, squeezing your boyfriend's spots because you're that gross.

  4. Never, ever, ever wash your bra.

  5. Only clean out your hairbrush when it's so full of hair that you can't get it through your hair any longer.

  6. Wiping your smudged eyeliner with spit. Nobody has time to go to the restroom with a cotton pad.

  7. Gathering all of your hair that has fallen out in the shower and rolling it into a pile that you will inevitably leave on the shower wall.

  8. Having the tiniest chip in your nail polish and deciding to just peel it off. Totes adorable.

  9. In public, discreetly smelling your armpit to see if the BO smell is coming from you or Smelly Steve.

  10. On Monday, I've decided to start a diet. Arriving at 11:45 a.m. on Monday and joining the rest of the office for a trip to McDonald's. Isn't it true that you only get one life?

  11. Only fake tanning the visible parts of your skin. What's the point of working on my back if no one is going to see it?

  12. I strangely enjoy plucking out ingrown hairs.

  13. Not caring if a piece of food falls into your cleavage and eating it anyway. You filthy scumbag.

  14. As soon as you walk in the door, remove your bra.

  15. If your skinny jeans are a little too short, only shave your ankles.

  16. Simply grabbing your boobs at random.

  17. Sitting in the hairdresser's chair, wondering if you've always resembled Voldemort's ugly younger sister.

  18. After you've run up the stairs, take a breather. Being so embarrassed that your fitness levels are atrocious.

  19. Trying everything you can to avoid washing your hair for as long as possible.

  20. Twiddling your mascara and experimenting with mascara gloop You may be wondering why your eyelashes are so short.

  21. Smelling the clothes you've worn for the last two days to see if you can wear them for the third day in a row.

  22. Eating in bed and finding crumbs the next morning. That's great.

  23. Putting on a face mask and watching all the gunk come out of your pores. It's disgusting, but it's strangely satisfying.

  24. Going to McDonald's drive-through in your pyjamas on a Sunday morning when you're hungover. There are no f*cks given.

  25. Instead of taking a shower, I use perfume and deodorant.

  26. Being so inebriated that you forget to remove your makeup. Waking up with mascara and red lipstick smeared across your pillow the next morning.

  27. You're balling your eyes out while watching flash mob proposals on YouTube.

  28. Taking 57 selfies in order to find one that you like. Spend a long time scrutinizing that image, only to delete it as well.

  29. On Facebook and Instagram, you are stalking people you went to school with. HOW ARE PEOPLE MY AGE BECOMING PREGNANT AND MARRIED?!

  30. Sending a message to the group chat before sending it to the intended recipient for BFF approval.

  31. Having far too many screenshots of the most random things on your phone. Are you prepared to send tweets from other people to your best friend? Check. Cute puppies? Check. Betty's Beach Body as a model? Check.

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